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Pet Blogger Journey 2022

Somebody pinch me, because I still can’t believe it’s already 2022! And we’re already 10 days into it! And today is my older human son’s 22nd birthday!

I’m pretty brand spanking new to being a dog mom blogger. The idea has been with me for a while. In fact, when I first thought about starting a dog mom blog of sorts, I didn’t even have the two dogs I have right now. I only had one dog and, little did I know, he was a very sick pupper at the time.

He passed away suddenly in late April 2020, just a little more than a month into the start of the pandemic, and a little more than three months after I began setting up a dog mom blog to document how much I spoiled my then dog, a very spoiled senior Pekingese name Ming.

I was devastated and broken after Ming passed. My husband was all like, “No more pets!” and I was like, “yeah right! I think he momentarily, in his grief, forgot who he was married to. If I want another dog, I will get another dog – I will either wear him down or sneak one in. Well, I did both.

I wore him down three months after Ming passed away. We rescued a senior Pekingese named Nugget, who has been a wonderful addition to our family. Then I sort of snuck a Sheltie puppy into the house while my husband was in the hospital, on a non-COVID related admission.

Anyway, I’m really not trying to ramble here. Just kind of wanted to get the groundwork of why I’m now here blogging about being a dog mom to my two wonderful doggies.

Challenge Accepted

Back when I first attempted a dog mom blog, I saw this challenge for Pet Bloggers and their blogging journey. I loved the idea and wanted to participate, but really didn’t know how. Fast forward two years, and I still don’t really know how to participate. It seems we’re supposed to copy and paste a list of questions into a new blog post, and then answer them.

So now it’s time to look back on 2021, and look forward to 2022.

Before we get started, I would love to read your Pet Blogger Journey 2022 posts. On your blog, please do the following:

  1. Copy and paste the following questions into a new blog post, then answer each one.
  2. Leave a comment with a link to your Pet Blogger Journey 2022 blog post in the comment area.
  3. I will refresh the comments every night, so everybody’s link can be seen.
  4. Read, comment, and support your fellow Pet Blogger Journey participants by visiting their posts.

Questions for Pet Blogger Journey 2022

  1. When did you start blogging, and what are you now writing about?
  2. Name one aspect of your blog or one blogging objective you achieved in 2021 that you are most pleased of.
  3. In 2021, what was the most difficult blogging obstacle you faced? How did you go about dealing with it?
  4. Tell us anything you learnt in 2021 that will help us all improve as bloggers.
  5. What are your three most important blogging objectives for 2022?
  6. Where do you envision yourself and your blog one year from now in an ideal world?
  7. What would you do if you had $1,000 to spend on your blog?
  8. In 2022, what one talent would you wish to master or improve?
  9. What would you ask the pet blogging community for assistance with if you could only ask one question about your blog?

Enough with my babbling. Let’s get started!

1. When did you start blogging, and what are you now writing about?

I started my previous blog, that was about spoiling my then senior Pekingese pupper, on January 10, 2020. I had to abandon that blog when Ming died suddenly just a few months later. I started this blog on October 15, 2021. I don’t have many posts up just yet. I’m still creating content. I am currently working on a homemade dog treat post and a post about the best types of toys for a very active, and easily bored, puppy. They should be up later this week.

2. Name one aspect of your blog or one blogging objective that you achieved in 2021 that you are most pleased of.

I finally got around to starting the Start a Mom Blog course, and I have been loving it! I am halfway through it, and I learn something new and fun each and every time I sign on. Suzi and her husband are not only absolutely adorable, but they really know their stuff!

I have been following along this course, taking notes and implementing everything that’s recommended. I had started a few other blog courses, but in all honesty, I really wish I would’ve started with this one, and I wish I would have started sooner.

3. In 2021, what was the most difficult blogging problem you faced?

Definitely getting started. And then after getting started, sticking with it. And I will admit that sticking with it can be difficult. But so far, so good.

How did you go about dealing with it?

I gave myself a pep talk last week about how I need to look at, and treat, this blog in a different way. I need to treat this as my job, and not just any job, but this is my dream job. And yeah, it really is. Being a stay-at-home dog mom and writing about how much I love and spoil them is, in all seriousness, hand to the heavens, absolute GOALS.

So, in order to combat my distractibility, I began working on a blogging schedule.

4. Share one thing you learnt in 2021 that you think will help us all become better bloggers.

Have a plan because starting and growing a successful blog is not something you can just wing. In fact, I’ve been saying this for years when it came to blogging, “I don’t really know how you go about this whole blogging thing… I’ll just wing it!”

Trust me, you can’t just wing this.

5. What are your three most important blogging objectives for 2022?

I think, since this blog is pretty new, my blogging objectives for this upcoming year should be simple.

  1. Continue with, finish, and refer back often to the Start a Mom Blog course that I am currently working my way through.
  2. Work on creating content that will not only entertain, but also help my readers in certain areas.
  3. Drive traffic to this blog by employing various methods.

Yes, I know. This little list of mine sounds a little lame. But, this is a brand new blog. I am just starting out and hopefully, next year at this time I will have meatier content and more complex answers to these questions.

6. Where do you envision yourself and your blog in a year’s time in an ideal world?

Next year at this time I envision this blog to be completely set up with an established email list. I would like to see 100,000 page views a month, and to be a member of Mediavine. I would also like to see Bailey as a local and/or national pupfluencer. I would also like to be earning a fulltime income from this blog.

7. How would you spend $1,000 on your blog if you had $1,000?

I would hire a web designer to assist me in some fashion.

8. In 2022, what is one talent you would want to master or improve?

Reach out to dog moms, and build a dog mom community.

9. What would you ask the pet blogging community for assistance with if you could ask for aid with one difficulty you’re facing with your blog?

I would ask, how do you treat this as a business and still keep it fun?

Because right now, everything feels a little daunting. I’m hoping that’s because this is relatively new to me, and since I’m following a blog course now, it really feels like my heels are digging in and this is work. I also hope that once everything on the blog is set up, and I’m following a blogging schedule that I will really start to have fun with this.

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